The West Florida Network Women’s Ministry exists to challenge and equip women to passionately pursue God and to influence their world. We are here to encourage, partner with you, and provide resources to help you minister to the needs of women. Our purpose is to discover and develop biblical, godly resources to help disciple women in every stage of life: young, old, married, single, single moms…
We delight in extending a hand to women who find themselves in ministry and leadership, as well as to women who just want ideas to connect in deeper ways with God. You do not have to lead or walk this journey alone!
As part of the West Florida Ministry Network, we provide the tools and resources needed for pastors and church leaders to build and nurture vibrant Women’s Ministries. We believe that empowering women strengthens our churches and communities.
The National Assemblies of God Women’s Ministry is designed to nurture and empower women to recognize and engage in their call to ministry. In every life stage, in every circumstance, we want to encourage and equip women to effectively minister within their circles of influence.
Through training units known as ‘Equip Women,’ the ministry provides resources to help women meet the needs around them. We believe every woman is a minister and a leader, capable of making profound impacts in their communities.